16 November 2011

What is the function of  HRM?

Human Resource management performs quite a few useful Function in order to achieve its objectives. These functions have been categorized by Decenzo and Robins as:

Acquisition: The acquisition function begins with Human Resource Management  planning. Relative to human resource requirements, we need to know where we are going and how we are going to get there. This includes the estimation of demands and supplied of labor.

Development: The Development function can be viewed along three dimensions and the Development is one of the most important function of  Human Resource Management (HRM). The first is employee training, which emphasizes skill development and the changing of attitudes among workers. The second is management development, which concerns itself primarily with knowledge acquisition and the enhancement of an executive’s  conceptual abilities. The third is career development, which is the continual effort to match long-term individual and organizational needs.

Motivation: The Motivation function creates an inner urge to perform and begins with the recognition that individuals are unique and that motivation techniques must reflect the needs of each individual. Within the motivation function, alienation, job satisfaction, alienation, job satisfaction, performance appraisal, behavioral and structural techniques for stimulating worker performance, the importance of linking rewards to performance, compensation and benefits administration, and how to handle problem employees are reviewed.

Maintenance: The final function is maintenance. Its the also most important function of  of Human Resource Management (HRM). In contrast to the motivation function, which attempts to stimulate performance, the conditions that employees believe are necessary in order to maintain their commitment to the organization. 


Within the confines of the four functions - Acquisition: Development: Motivation: Maintenance—many changes have occurred over the years. What once was merely an actitivity to find a warm body to fill a vacancy has become a sophisticated process of finding, developing, and retaining the best qualified person for the job. But this metamorphosis did not occur overnight. It is the result of many changes in management thought, society, and the workers themselves.
Diagrammatically the Human Resource Management functions may be demonstrated as under:

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