03 January 2012

Technological Environment Of HRM

Human Resource management performs quite a few useful Function in order to achieve its objectives. These functions have been categorized by Decenzo and Robins as:

Acquisition: The acquisition function begins with Human Resource Management  planning. Relative to human resource requirements, we need to know where we are going and how we are going to get there. This includes the estimation of demands and supplied of labor.

Development: The Development function can be viewed along three dimensions and the Development is one of the most important function of  Human Resource Management (HRM). The first is employee training, which emphasizes skill development and the changing of attitudes among workers. The second is management development, which concerns itself primarily with knowledge acquisition and the enhancement of an executive’s  conceptual abilities. The third is career development, which is the continual effort to match long-term individual and organizational needs.

Motivation: The Motivation function creates an inner urge to perform and begins with the recognition that individuals are unique and that motivation techniques must reflect the needs of each individual. Within the motivation function, alienation, job satisfaction, alienation, job satisfaction, performance appraisal, behavioral and structural techniques for stimulating worker performance, the importance of linking rewards to performance, compensation and benefits administration, and how to handle problem employees are reviewed.

Maintenance: The final function is maintenance. Its the also most important function of  of Human Resource Management (HRM). In contrast to the motivation function, which attempts to stimulate performance, the conditions that employees believe are necessary in order to maintain their commitment to the organization. 


Within the confines of the four functions - Acquisition: Development: Motivation: Maintenance—many changes have occurred over the years. What once was merely an actitivity to find a warm body to fill a vacancy has become a sophisticated process of finding, developing, and retaining the best qualified person for the job. But this metamorphosis did not occur overnight. It is the result of many changes in management thought, society, and the workers themselves.
Diagrammatically the Human Resource Management functions may be demonstrated as under:

16 November 2011

What is the function of  HRM?

Human Resource management performs quite a few useful Function in order to achieve its objectives. These functions have been categorized by Decenzo and Robins as:

Acquisition: The acquisition function begins with Human Resource Management  planning. Relative to human resource requirements, we need to know where we are going and how we are going to get there. This includes the estimation of demands and supplied of labor.

Development: The Development function can be viewed along three dimensions and the Development is one of the most important function of  Human Resource Management (HRM). The first is employee training, which emphasizes skill development and the changing of attitudes among workers. The second is management development, which concerns itself primarily with knowledge acquisition and the enhancement of an executive’s  conceptual abilities. The third is career development, which is the continual effort to match long-term individual and organizational needs.

Motivation: The Motivation function creates an inner urge to perform and begins with the recognition that individuals are unique and that motivation techniques must reflect the needs of each individual. Within the motivation function, alienation, job satisfaction, alienation, job satisfaction, performance appraisal, behavioral and structural techniques for stimulating worker performance, the importance of linking rewards to performance, compensation and benefits administration, and how to handle problem employees are reviewed.

Maintenance: The final function is maintenance. Its the also most important function of  of Human Resource Management (HRM). In contrast to the motivation function, which attempts to stimulate performance, the conditions that employees believe are necessary in order to maintain their commitment to the organization. 


Within the confines of the four functions - Acquisition: Development: Motivation: Maintenance—many changes have occurred over the years. What once was merely an actitivity to find a warm body to fill a vacancy has become a sophisticated process of finding, developing, and retaining the best qualified person for the job. But this metamorphosis did not occur overnight. It is the result of many changes in management thought, society, and the workers themselves.
Diagrammatically the Human Resource Management functions may be demonstrated as under:



“Management of human resources is that function of all enterprises which provides for effective utilization of people to achieve both the objectives of the enterprise and the satisfaction and development of the  employees.”

We may, therefore, view human resource management as human capital formation and managing its use in the development process of the firm. Economists view capital formation as an addition or increment to the existing stock of capital assets of a firm or of a nation. In the language of the Economists, “Capital is the produced means of Production.” A capital asset is something which can be used as instrument of production or distribution. Administrative capital formation (administration and management skills are two terms used in Management literature interchangeably) means formation or creation of skill, knowledge, ideas, values and desires in the people posted in administrative or managerial positions requiring serious contemplation, commitment and devotion for effective planning, organizing, directing, leading, controlling and co-ordination activities designed to achieve goals and objectives of their organizations. Any man or woman can not assemble material and human resources Management  and husband them effectually without needs skills and knowledge. A person develops when he is inducted into the growth process. Social conditioning is needed for fitting him into the organization. This growth process emanate from contact with new  Ideas.

Western nations have taken the words of john kenneth Galbraith who got interested in human resource Management / development and stated categorically that a well trained and well-educated workforce is a nation’s greatest form of capital. Conclusions of Galbraith and schultz were corroborated by the research finding of Eli Ginberg of Columbia University.

Ingredients of our Human resource Management like inherent abilities, skills, experiences, knowledge and other attributes are partly wasted due to poor personnel practices. Need for effective use of human resource is apparent.

What is the the Challenges Management?

Unions are at a crossroads. During recent years they have experienced a steady decline in membership, political power and prestige. Nevertheless, unions represent a significant challenge to management and operating manager. Democratic rights of workers and of trade unions, dynamism in environment, compliance with labor laws, and past practices limit managers flexibility. Even when a union is not present, proactive employee relations are needed to assure a productive workforce. And if a company wants to remain nonunion, additional pressures fall on employee relations specialists and operating managers, especially supervisors.

Whether unions will rebound and reclaim their role as a powerful actor in the economic and political systems of developed  nations is uncertain. It does seem certain, however, that unions will seek innovative approaches to reverse these trends. some examples include efforts to organize nontraditional groups such as while-collar, service, government and professional workers. Other examples include offering new services from charge cards to health-care advice to supplement more traditional collective bargaining efforts and fringe benefits.

At the same time, many managers and union leaders perceive government intervention as a potential threat to the traditional freedoms they have enjoyed. Their common concern arises out of the fear that more government intervention as a potential threat to the traditional freedoms they have enjoyed. Their common concern arises out of the fear that more government laws will control their affairs. And since current laws are enforced by agencies with the power to “make laws” by interpreting existing ones, regulations are bound to grow.

To meet these challenges from increased union innovation and government intrusion into the workplace, management professionals need to be proactive. Organizationally, when unions are present, the HR department is expanded by the addition of a labor relations section. This section allows labor specialists to deal with critical areas such as negotiations and contract administration, while HR professionals attend to their more traditional roles. In fact, HR and labor relations may form two equal divisions within a broader department that typically is called industrial relations.

Operationally the HR section seeks sound employee relations through effective practices. The labor relations section has a complementary role.

What is Technological Environment Of HRM?

Technological changes have a profound effect upon the working population. Work was once performed by people manually with the aid of simple tools. Now thousands of thousands of workers have been brought into modern factories, offices and distributing units. Operations are increasingly being carried on by complex, integrated, power-driven, automatic, and electronically-controlled equipment.

As might be expected, such technological changes have left their impact upon employees. Where once there were large number of artisans, the working population is now made up largely of mechanizes, technologists and service employees. Where once there were opportunities for personal expression, the average job, in and itself, is now often repetitive and restrictive.,

Of course, the technological revolution has provided some offsetting gains. For one, there are increased data processing, and computerization create as automation, electronic data processing, and computerization create new and improved job opportunities. Hence, as technology advances, the highest skills of people are increassingly required. The trends are in the direction of a challenging, not a dismal, prospect for the employment of human energies. It is estimated that in advanced societies, the demand for professional and technical workers will be up by about 50%, for clerical workers about 40%, for service workers about 25% and for industrial workers about 10%.

Categories of Technological changes:   In a general way, we know that the impact of technology has been wide and pervasive, so much so taht we refer to some developments in this area as “revolutions,” such as the industrial revolution of the eighteenth century